Yesterday, the Minister of State for Aviation, Hadi Sirika unveiled the new name and logo of the national carrier; Nigeria Air to be launched in December at Farnborough Airshow in London.
Since the new logo and name of our national carrier was unveiled yesterday, there’s been mixed reactions on social media. Many twitter users did not give the logo and name a second thought before criticising it.
Here are some of the tweets gathered on twitter.
However, while some people are not happy about the design of the logo, many people are excited about the new development in the aviation sector. They have expressed their good feelings about the airline and hope that it will not fail like the previous carriers.
When we saw the logo initially, it looked like nothing but an ordinary ribbon to us but taking a close view at it the second time, we noticed the eagle. Did you?
Regardless of the name and logo, we are optimistic that Nigeria Air will become our national pride again and we hope it exhibits the characteristics of a real eagle that has great vision, height and strength.